Unfortunately there isn't the one end-all-be-all answer. But there are several ways to pick and choose OR integrate the platforms. I am going to help tackle the basics here, and then Ill keep posting on added resources - so come back often to see more. Look for labels under Social Media Tips.
Meanwhile be sure to visit our NEW BLOG HOME at JoanneKleeMarketing.com today.
"Do you Use Twitter? Facebook?
Instagram? or Snapchat? What should
you select for the greatest impact? Is
there just ONE right answer?
I have already written in detail Why Blog for Business? And you should! here is a link to all the related WHY BLOG posts is here. But beyond blogging, these other social platforms serve there own purpose as well.
Like these posts? SEE MORE at our New Blog Home JoanneKleeMarketing/Insights
Why Use Social Media at All?
You already provide a service. You are already excellent at the service your provide. So why not tell the world about it? AND Why not get even better at what you do? As technology changes, depending on your tech savvy grade (A or a D?) you might LOVE all these new ways of communicating or you just loathe it!
Whether a Lover or A Hater, as a Business Owner you simple cannot ignore it! Social Media IS one of THE ABSOLUTE ways to talk to customers. And since you already pride yourself on being the best at what you do, you really need to stay on top of new trends to remain the best. Becoming familiar with the ways clients communicate keeps you in the conversation, it keeps you "on trend." You do not have to be an expert, but you do need to be familiar.
The Marketing Example:
As a Marketer I do not build web pages. I do not write code. (I do dabble, in both, tho.) However I am an expert in conveying the clients message. Taking your goal and objectives and turning them into a campaign or piece of collateral so you can reach your audience. I am also an expert in managing a project. And managing the agency or the people you hire to complete the project. That means I need to understand the methods that are available to your message reaching your audience. Staying on trend with social media means understanding the audience of these platforms, understanding how they have competitive advantages, And the cases where they WON't work for what you need to accomplish. Sometimes expertise is knowing what NOT to do.
"I am an expert in conveying the clients
message. Staying on trend with social media
means understanding the audience we want to
reach and the cases where Twitter or
Instagram WON't work for what you need to
The Answer
Once upon a time in my career we hired an Independent marketing consultant to help me with my project load. This gentleman was a self made man. He was flashy, and energetic, and very knowledgeable about his craft. I walked away with my #1 income lesson about being a business owner, "you want your business to work for you 24/7." If you can figure that out, your business will work for you, and not the other way around."
"You want your business to work
for you 24/7."
Beyond increasing your reach, beyond "free advertising," there is the aspect of service excellence and being available to clients when THEY need you. Sometimes we get stuck thinking "inside the box." We live in our own world, in our arguably "closed" network, unless your are doing business overseas? Outside your timezone? Then yes, you are in a closed environment, with limited clients. And if that is all you can handle, then kudos. But if you want to grow and expand exponentially, then social media is your tool.
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Which Social Media platform is right for your business? |
The Difference Between Social Media Tools
Here is a rough, in english, no tech jargon here, breakdown of these social media channels that are easily accessible to you. My approach to understanding them from a business persepective is:
- ease of use
- who is the audience
- HOW to use them
- best vehicle for your message
Facebook is a place where we can interact with friends and clients. For business use you can set up a PUBLIC business page. (Personally the main differentiator is you have to give people access to your page. Unless you select making your content and posts public.)
Facebook is generally viewed as the place where I see what my family and friends are up to. However, sometimes my friends and family are a portal to business. So I don't "sell" my JK Marketing and Events page to them, but I occasionally share a blog post or page and share it on my wall. It's a subtle reminder here is what I do - and the encouraging support is appreciated in return.
Marketing Strength
Facebooks "opt in" feature - click like on pages you want news from - allows business owners to stay in front of clients, and subscribers. Facebooks competitive edge comes from the ability to let you get "deeper" into the conversation. Twitter is the fastest news breaking access (to millions), facebook let's you discuss the news. Facebook doesn't limit your character count like twitter does, so you can post in detail. And as new platforms grow on the web, this aspect keeps Facebook as a leader in Social Media. As a business owner know that people on Facebook are not in a "buying mindset." This is NOT the place for a hard sell. But it is a place to "be you, be the brand." They are here to socialize, catch up on some news stories from pages they "like" and see what going on in there social circle. Or business circle.
- in Summary
Since Facebook is still #1 for traffic that they are the only platform you need to use. However, there is tremendous weight to be added to the value and how it plays a role in business growth. Facebook has some limits, like searching posts, and someone "finding you" organically is limited. That's where twitter plays an enhanced role in your business reach.
"Facebook allows you to
share in depth in ways the
other platforms don't."
- ease of use
Facebook is easily accessible. Theres an app for your phone. Once set up - which is easy! - you can begin by posting photos from your business, ask a client post a testimonial, and link to your website, blog or other platforms. Facebook is a nice tool where you can "manage" comments, as most business owners are concerned about image, yes, it allows you to delete.
- who is the audience
Usually family and friends use this to stay connected and share photos and news. Businesses don't discredit it as a tool! Clients who have a comment about your business, a testimonial, or will use it as a means for people to find you.
In demographic terms facebook is used across generations. Counter to popular belief younger 18-24 demo uses it for the same reasons the 30+ crowd does. Ease of use, ability to share in depth, and the list/sorting features seeing news from who is relevant to you. Individuals are able to "like" business and organization pages and see IN ONE PLACE what there inner social circle is doing along side upcoming events and news relevant to them.
However the younger demos - when wanting to share with friends - do lean towards "snap chat" for the quick hello or sharing a pic. And if beautiful photos is your business edge, then instagram may be you tool, that you integrate into facebook?
- HOW to use them
Post business photos of your work. Link to articles your followers may find interesting. Link to your other resources and as a way for clients to find you. You can schedule multiple posts for the future, again allowing your business to work for you even when you are sleeping.
For business owners who carry multiple products, facebook allows you to create pages specific to content. You can has a page specific to use for event updates, and a separate page for content related to your product updates. Allowing users to customize what information they get from you is appreciated and users don't get bogged down with what they don't want to see.
Create excitement and Marketing around a place or event using Facebooks feature for a location or checkin. Users in your area will see this as an option pop up while using Facebook. It is another tool for Marketing that creates immediate presence and is long lasting. You can create a "history" here allowing users to get a great sense of your brand.
- best vehicle for your message
Testimonials go a long way on Facebook. Similar to YELP, however you are able to delete content you feel is inappropriate. Want to share insight on a trend? Want to provide feedback? Facebook allows you to share in depth in ways the other platforms don't.
Twitter is amazing! Fast access to news and events at your fingertips. When CNN entered the cable news market as 24-hour news access around the world is was a game changer. When iPhone was invented to have the "internet in your pocket," or CD's "to hear an entire concerto uninterrupted" - yes, it is that level of game changer!
Twitter is fast access to any content because of the use of Hashtags - you know that little pound symbol "#" followed by key words. In twitters search field, you can see the "Top Trending" hashtags for news in your area. You can also search key words, persons, places, events, and get tweets relevant to that topic. As opposed to Instagram hashtags which are usually more unique, twitters hashtags are generally more common so your tweet and content is easy to find.
Along those same lines twitter can be overwhelming. Searching thousands of tweets is not anyone's definition of a good day. Perhaps for political junkies who can't get enough of a news story?
For business twitter gives you access to the 24/7 audience to grow your business! I credit twitter as the #1 increase for my blog readership (up over 50%) and for increased document sales by far! My scribd document store is approaching 100,000 page views (including sales increase) and that growth came in a 2 year period since I started tweeting for business!
Twitter allows Marketers to search content on the competition, on trending topics, and get instant feedback from clients, both wanted and unwanted!
Twitter DOES NOT allow you to go in depth in your tweets, being limited to 140 spaces to write your post. However it does let you post information to a relevant audience using Hashtags specific to your message. Later users can search the hashtags to get more of the same type of information from you. or if you come up in their news feed they can click thru to your page to learn more.
- ease of use
Twitter is easy to set up an account and also has an app for your phone. You can post on the go and tweet, retweet and become part of the news feed 24-hours a day.
- who is the audience
Twitter is heavily used by people wanting that 24 hour access to news and events. Information that is "trending" is on twitter. Users on twitter want to say something and be a part of the trend.
The key audience here is those that are not in your "closed network" that I mentioned above. Twitter exposes you to users beyond your reach. Additionally, twitter makes you relevant by having a presence - see next paragraph.
- HOW to use them
Immediate long lasting content. Event and area specific relevance. Twitter also gives you access to a worldwide audience.
Apple, the largest company in the U.S., does NOT have a twitter page. Mentions of Apple are either hashtags #Apple or just mentions. Apple chooses not to use twitter as a vehicle and they can do that. I would argue however that in the "small business" under $1 million in revenue having a presence is better than not.
Create hashtags or comment on those trending to have a presence in a global market place. Encourage blog readership by linking to articles and creating organic content.
A frequent twitter use is to generate excitement around events. Create a hashtag for your wedding, similar to a Facebook check-in.
- best vehicle for your message
Link to articles, news stories, events and great access for your client network. I posted extensively on How to use twitter for business here. I encourage you click through and give it a read. And more tips on tweeting for business are in this post on Social Media for Business and Using Twitter.
Did someone say photos? Instagram is an instant avenue to search - in Photos - a person, place, news story or event. Do you make a beautiful product that you sell on etsy? Yes, instagram is the place for you. So it twitter so you can have buyers beyond your area code. Instagram also has a search feature so users can get to content that want to "see" fast.
Frequently celebs are on Instagram showing their day to day life, experiences and outings. However for those of us selling a product that can be shown, Instagram is an excellent method of showing off your work.
Hashtags "#" on Instagram are generally unique. Long hashtags capturing how we feel and commentary on the item. Altho for business purposes, I would include some standard common Hashtags so your photo can be easily found.
The first two tags are common and the unique on at the end: for example an etsy jewelry designer #beautifuljewelry #custommade #Chicagoskylinespeciatly
- ease of use
Yes! Easy account sign up, an app and access to your smart phone camera for on the go shots.
- who is the audience
Lovers of photography.
- HOW to use them
Post photos of your work. Be included in the conversation where users like to see what's being discussed. In a celebrity related business or selling beautiful things, clothes, or the like - then instagram is a must alongside twitter.
- best vehicle for your message
If you use photos.
Chitty chitty chat chat. Like to talk about your work. Have time on long commutes to "hold a conversation" about a product or service. Like interacting with people about your message on their time and at length. Then Snapchat is a tool you can use. While Facebook allows for an in depth feature on your service, snap chat allows for the in depth conversation.
Similar to reddit or twitter for holding a conversation, however you need to sign up for snapchat to be a part of the conversation. Where as twitter allows users to pose more questions and reddit allows more of a dialogue in a forum.
- ease of use
Yes! Easy account sign up, an app. Post a pic along side your conversation with access to your smart phone camera for on the go shots.
- who is the audience
Mostly the 18-24 age demographic, and those celebrity types and service providers wanting to access this audience.
- HOW to use them
For having a conversation around your product or trend.
- best vehicle for your message
Depending on your time commitment.
Linkedin is a stationary place for your resume and business networking format to connect with work colleagues and vendors. It is your business profile in one place. You can connect or "link in" with colleagues in your field and co-workers. A way to stay connected as the years pass and see what jobs people are in. Update your online resume easily. Link to your organic content from the blogs, tweets or facebook pages you create.
Linkedin is a Professional tool as you business face. A feature O love to encourage use of is asking clients to write a Testimonial. They can also "endorse you" for a service aspect you provide. Endorsements also service as a way for you to stay "in front" of clients and network opportunities for you.
- ease of use
If you have a resume or a professional profile it needs to be on Linkedin. It creates credibility for your business.
This tool however takes time to build. Fill in the professional resume layout noting work history. Take time to write you content and revise it regularly to stay fresh. Don't expect to be done with everything Linkedin can do for your in one day. This is a place to build presence like Facebook, however it is very specific to your Business Resume - the Brand in detail.
- who is the audience
The theory of 6 degrees of seperation is a power house behind LinkedIn. You start by connecting with people in your network, workplace or email contacts. The exponential growth goes from there. People you know have contacts, and you can connect with those potential clients. Yes, I know, I am telling you that you have a tremendous networking tool at your fingertips... when used correctly.
- HOW to use them
Post your resume, and add people and co workers to your network. Keep adding and expanding your network. Post articles, and relevant content to your groups and audience.
- best vehicle for your message
A well worked on resume and links to your work.
I remember the days of keeping a cork board full of ideas clipped from magazines. Or those articles thrown into a folder. Well now we have an electronice version of that. A Pin board platform.
Pinterest allows you to search pins others have pinned. You have multiple boards to keep ideas sorted by interest, subject or any method you choose. Pinterest is a nice way to interact with clients by sharing articles, color schemes, locations or other ideas via a shred board.
- ease of use
Easy to sign up and get started. Has an app for the on the go addiction.
- who is the audience
Everyone uses pinterest. Artists, designers, marketers. Now there is a selling component for those etsy designers or document seller ;-)
- HOW to use them
Post your blog articles to a business board you have created. Keep track of ideas for a project your working on. Share relevant content to others in your audience. Especially nice to share ideas with clients to help build a concept. You can pin directly from web searches too. So you are not limited to what others have pinned already.
- best vehicle for your message
If you have photos related to your work, or articles, you can have a pinterest board for easy sharing.
Regardless of the platform you choose, there is a method available for your to manage easily and comfortably.
Thanks for reading,
From the Everyday to the Extraordinary...
Owner | Consultant
Joanne Klee Marketing & Events
Service Excellence | Detailed | One Stop Solutions